How do I make myself feel better
1. Happiness - as memories
2. Happiness - as love and trust
3. Happiness - as watching happiness (escaping reality)
Happiness as memories
Nostalgic things (look at happy clips, music, stuff, paintings, photos etc.)
Events (daydreaming about the happy moments in the past)
Smells and tastes (I remember how ”pickle” tasted mixed with a happy feeling – makes you happy)
Happiness as love and trust
Meeting people that you love and trust (talking, memory lane, doing things)
Talking to people you love online/on the phone (about things that makes both of you happy)
Hugs, kisses and close touch (read: closure. No explanation needed)
Happiness as watching happiness aka escaping reality
Watching a movie or TV series (they are happy – you're happy etc.)
Writing fan fictions (my life becomes someone else's for a while)
Creating a story (I need to put the drama somewhere else then in my head)
Det är en liten lista jag gjorde till mig själv förut, och det är alltid olika vilken av punkterna som fungerar. Om du är trött till exempel så fungerar Hapiness as watching happiness bäst. Är du pigg och behöver röra på dig fungerar Happiness as love and trust bäst och så vidare =)
Men tänkte bara dela med mig av detta tips =)
Bye - CC
1 kommentarer
13 Apr 2015 07:29
Vilken härlig lista att ha när man känner sig lite nere!